Jonathan Lipson


Non-Sequiturs: 03.31.15

* The Supreme Court decided that government-issued GPS trackers violate 4th Amendment. My GPS device is my phone -- can we get on protecting that? [Gizmodo] * More on the subtle differences between the Indiana RFRA and the post-Hobby Lobby landscape. Specifically, the Indiana Act's provision on private suits, which are the subject of a circuit split at the federal level. [Washington Post] * Professor Jonathan Lipson reviews what ATL's Converge conference had to say about the future of law. [The Temple 10-Q] * The Supreme Court doesn't want to hear from ever lawyer under the sun on the marriage equality cases. The parties just announced their picks to make the argument. [Lyldennews] * Another day, another law student busted for sex with a minor. Maybe crim law needs to move up that age of consent lecture to day 1. [The Columbus Dispatch] * Up and coming Supreme Court challenges to Obamacare for everyone still raging against the dying of the light. [Washington Post / The Volokh Conspiracy] * Congratulations to Steven J. Harper, who is finally headed home from the hospital after a lengthy stay under apparently Kafka-esque conditions. [The Lawyer Bubble]